Published by pakmatic


Micro and small companies have a growing participation in the country's economy. The competition and challenges to be overcome increase to the same extent. And for that, it's worth using all available resources to remain competitive, which is also a maxim in large companies. Evaluating the packaging of your product considering the different stages is an important step in this process, as the packaging even impacts the shipping price.

In fact. From production to consumption, packaging influences several aspects beyond its primary and, not least, function of protecting the product. Starting with the packaging process, which can change radically based on the choice of type, format and raw material used.

In the following steps in the same way, taking into account that the size of the package may require more or less time, people and physical structure to store and transport the products. That is, it affects logistics as a whole.

That's where shipping comes in!

The cost of transport is directly related to the packaging, which is the basis for calculating the cubed weight. This reference is obtained by multiplying the height, width and length of the package by the cubage factor, an index that varies from one carrier to another.

The result of this calculation is compared to the gross weight of the product. The largest one is then used to set the shipping price. That is, if the occupied area is proportionally greater than the weight of the product, it will be the basis for the calculation. That is, light products, if they are bulky, take up more space in the vehicle, and therefore have higher shipping costs.

Of course, in addition to the weight and dimensions of the package, other conditions are used to define the value of transport, such as distance and product category.

Straight to the point

Many companies pack their products in packages that are larger than the required size or that weigh as much as the product they are carrying. It is possible that this decision took into account the prominence that larger packages promote on the shelves.

But size isn't the only way to grab a consumer's attention. The format and visual resources such as colors, messages and design can and should be exploited to drive sales.

As we have seen, depending on the size, packaging can increase freight prices. This increase in costs, if passed on to the consumer, tends to reduce the competitiveness of the product. If supported by the company, it can compromise its financial health.

It is necessary to put all this on the scale, the positive and negative points of the packaging you use today. Then, evaluate whether, in fact, your solution is coherent for the consumer, but also for your company. Both need to win.

Source: Indumak

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